calanuri business cards

Ca la Nuri Restaurant Business Card

Abeldb designed these business cards for Ca la Nuri, a group of Mediterranean cuisine restaurants with over 50 years of history.

The idea was to create a visual branding that is simple yet memorable and elegant. Abeldb hoped to come up with a clear, strong iconography for the brand, therefore, a trademark with the structure of an overarching umbrella was born.

The logo is defined by two semicircles with soft shapes that resembles the shape of a plate.

For the naming and coloring systems, Abeldb used the natural elements to match with the restaurants’ themes and provided cuisines, along with the colors that go with them:

  • Platja (beach) – BLUE: for seafood and paella, and its location beside the sea.

  • Terra (land) – SOFT BROWN: for its Mediterranean cuisines.

  • Foc (fire) – RED: for their stoves, specializing in grilled cuisines.

As for the business card for the main restaurant, Ca la Nuri, Abeldb used black color to avoid any conflicts when choosing colors for future restaurants.

These business cards were custom die-cut (semi-circle/arch-shaped cut on top) following the shape of the logo.

Editor’s Note: If you wish to see more arched shape/arch-inspired business cards, check out our blog post here.

More info about Ca la Nuri cards can be found here.

Designed by Abeldb

Printed by Venus

For Ca la Nuri

Jennifer Wong
Jennifer Wong
Articles: 1516

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