Logo Gallery

Explore our Logo Gallery, a curated showcase of innovative and inspiring logo designs from around the globe. Discover a range of styles, from minimalist to extravagant, all in one place. Whether you’re seeking inspiration or admiring design artistry, find the spark for your next creative project here.

Jess & Love by Maas Studio

Jess & Love is a fun and chic clothing brand for mothers and their children. It was born out of appreciation of chic, cool, functional soft T-shirts that both mom and kids will love. They were tasked with creating the…

Roca Craft Brewery – Branding & Package Design

In the competitive craft beer market, Roca Craft Beer distinguishes itself through a thoughtful approach to branding and packaging design, orchestrated by Holman\Design®, a Brazilian agency known for its innovative solutions. This collaboration has led to the development of a…

Defiant Lobster Games logo

This fun and memorable logo was designed by Art Astronaut for Defiant Lobster Games. It has a really badass-looking lobster, a unique font, and a great choice of colors. At the heart of Defiant Lobster Games’ visual identity lies a…