Tramways Coffee business card

Tramways Coffee Business Card

Studio Ping Pong designed these business cards for Tramways Coffee, a specialty coffee roaster based in Kolkata, India.

The business card designs come in two colour versions, and they are bright and welcoming! This is a nice change from the standard brownish tones and the use of kraft paper by most craft coffee brands.

Tramways Coffee was founded by Sonali Lakhotia and Devansh Chhinkwani. After a hundred cups of coffee and a lot of discussions, both founders discovered they had very different coffee preferences.

Secondly, they realised that third-wave coffee had become prescriptive and intimidating.

Sonali and Devansh believed strongly that coffee should be enjoyed at the drinker’s own pace. As a result, they created Tramways, a line of transportive coffees.


Typography and Bright Colours

The typeface used for the logotype and tagline is All Round Gothic, and Basic Gothic Pro is used for body text.

“The fonts were chosen to complement the thin lines of the artwork with a rounded, slightly nostalgic font to match the idea of the old trams and harken to a slow-paced life,” said the graphic designer of Studio Ping Pong.

A two-colour approach was used for the business cards, with the paper’s base providing the third colour.

“The brand colours, yellow and blue, symbolise the colours often seen in Calcutta trams, the namesake, and the origin city of the brand.”

Tramways Coffee branding_1


Whimsical Illustrations

The visuals on the business cards were inspired by the brand’s tagline, “Pause to Brew, Brew to Pause,” and were designed to echo the experience of savouring a cup of coffee.

The capital “T” on the illustration is a nice addition, symbolising the brand name while also functioning as a perfect coffee cup.


Stickers and Packaging Designs

Another two major illustrations can be found on the packaging design. They are both surreal and whimsical!

These are representative of the worlds that coffee has the power to transport users to.

There is also a sticker for each coffee variant that describes its roasting, flavour, and batch.

To complete the packaging and give it a personal touch, a sticker with a picture of the brewing method was added.

Tramways Coffee packaging designs


The Printing of Business Cards

These business cards were printed on 300gsm paper by Colourstreak, a printing and creative agency in Kolkata.

According to Studio Ping Pong, the cards were varnished and textured for a premium look and feel.

“For a brand that specialises in craft coffee, a hand-done printing method fit the bill perfectly; thus, screen printing on bright coloured paper was the chosen route.”

“Since the brand is co-founded by a couple, both their names are present on the visiting cards, with the highlighted name signifying the person holding it (while another in outlined text).”


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Designed by Studio Ping Pong

Printed by Colourstreak

For Tramways Coffee

Jennifer Wong
Jennifer Wong
Articles: 1516