Fritz Schnitzer designed these business cards for The Bravery Station, a podcast program by Fritz that empowers people to express themselves authentically, especially in discovering bravery in oneself.
“Three years ago, I left Germany because I was very unhappy with my life. I quit my job, sold or gave away a lot of stuff and travelled to Helsinki, Eastern Europe, Portugal etc. I attended self-development seminars to make peace with my story. It took me a while and a new encouraging girlfriend (kick in the butt) to realize I can do graphic design and I actually can draw!” Fritz said.
“So, I was facing on a very regular basis my fears and started an online drawing course (which I was terrified of judgment by others) and I took graphic design, typography classes etc. on skillshare and worked very hard, every day (8-10 hours a day, sometimes more) on my skills but also on my fears.”
“I meditated a lot – went to a silent meditation retreat for 10 days and so on. I always got the feedback that I’m brave and my goal is to make people realize how brave they actually are. So I wanted to start a podcast and interview people to uncover certain aspects of bravery, which is how ‘The Bravery Station’ was born – to keep trying, doing and learning to love oneself.”
Speaking of the process and logo design, Fritz said, “The idea of the design was to symbolize something strong, protective and forward going. I was experimenting with dragons, lions and other stuff, but found the lion to be the best combination between strength and wisdom.”
“To highlight the part that ‘you’re always being protected’, I was combining the lion with a shield and swords. The half circles above the sword handles symbolize radio station/podcast station waves. I went for different shades of red since they symbolize power, passion and love for me.”
The typography Fritz used in the visual identity are Memphis Extra Bold – to emphasize strength and courage for the main text; and Kaushan Script Regular – for the word ‘The’, to give it that little touch of lightness.
These business cards are not printed but if they were, “I would have them printed on 400g matte paper, white, no extra texture etc. Why? Because life is simple and the bravery is in you, always, it doesn’t need flashy effects to awaken it,” Fritz suggested.
Designed by Fritz Schnitzer
For The Bravery Station