Medieval (vibe) Business Cards

Featuring business cards with a mediaeval vibe, ranging from restaurants to real estate firms to law firms and even personal branding. Check out these creative medieval business cards!

Bonventi Winery Business Card

Bonventi winery business cards

Pedro Paulino and Sérgio Fonseca designed these business cards for Bonventi, a winery in São Paulo, Brazil. The winery’s business card design exudes elegance with its aesthetic design and stunning typography. The cards come with two colour variations as well:…

Kaštil Slanica Restaurant Business Card

Kastil Slanica restaurant business cards

Design Bureau Izvorka Juric designed these business cards for Kaštil Slanica, a family-owned restaurant that serves local specialties prepared in a superior way for guests to enjoy in the heart of the Cetina River canyon. The restaurant’s business card design…

Castillo Lawyer Business Card

Castillo business cards

Arutza Rico designed these business cards for Castillo, a lawyer firm. “A complete visual system that mixes tradition and modernity reflects the essence of the firm. I did a lot of visual research on castles, heraldry and The Middle Ages…

Avemobilis Real Estate Business Card

Avemobilis business cards

Arutza Rico designed these business cards for Avemobilis, a real estate company focused in the most vibrant zones in Bogotá. Avemovilis is a new real estate agency led by two young French people who want to revolutionize the real estate market…

Danir Ivanovich Graphic Designer Business Card

danir ivanovich graphic designer business cards

Danir Ivanovich aka ‘Ich’ made these business cards for his self-branding as a graphic designer and illustrator. “My goal was to represent myself (and my personal view about what I do) in the best way possible,” Danir said. “The idea…