Sparrow Restaurant business card

Sparrow Restaurant Business Card

Ulviyya Taghiyeva designed these business cards for Sparrow Restaurant, a conceptual branding project for a restaurant.

“I got my design inspirations from nature and birds. I used sparrow – the bird, and branches of trees for the restaurant’s logo. The colour palette I used was also inspired by nature. You can see tones of orange, green and blue in it,” Ulviyya said.

Sparrow Restaurant logo1

“I had inserted colourful branches as the pattern. They symbolize the restaurant’s distinctiveness and its wide range of cuisines. The corporate style can be applied to all office supplies, employees and clothing products etc.”

The fonts used in this branding project are Playfair Display (serif font) and Montserrat (sans serif font).

These business cards are not printed. “But, I do hope that maybe one day the Sparrow Restaurant can be real,” Ulviyya added.

Sparrow Restaurant business cardsSparrow Restaurant businesscard Sparrow Restaurant businesscardsSparrow Restaurant stationerySparrow Restaurant stationery2Sparrow Restaurant bagsSparrow Restaurant cupsSparrow Restaurant logo

Designed by Ulviyya Taghiyeva

For Sparrow Restaurant

Jennifer Wong
Jennifer Wong
Articles: 1516

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