Purple Door Coffee business cards

Purple Door Coffee Roaster Business Card

Made Shop designed these business cards for Purple Door Coffee, a local coffee roaster in Denver, empowering young adults who want to leave homelessness.

Purple Door Coffee is not just any coffee company, it’s a business on a mission to empower young adults eager to break free from homelessness.

The journey from the streets and reentry into society can be long and challenging. Which is why, Purple Door Coffee provides a supportive environment where young people can develop essential employment skills.

While their mission was inspiring, Purple Door Coffee recognized the importance of a vibrant, revamped identity. That’s where Made Shop came into play, and together, they created a fresh, optimistic brand and packaging system, including the eye-catching business cards as well!


Logo Design

The new Purple Door Coffee logo features an abstract doorway, which, according to Made Shop, is a passageway, not a barrier (or the kind that shuts people out).

The logo was developed using straight- and diagonal-line patterns, and on the business cards, it was portrayed as the passageway in various positions, hence the multiple-versioned business cards along with different colours.

As to why the passageway mark continually shifts perspective, it is due to the fact that each person’s journey is unique for everyone, hence the unique approach to the visual identity.

Purple Door Coffee logoPurple Door Coffee packaging designs


Typography and Colour Palette

It’s super clever to match the logo with a bold, retro typeface! Both letters “O” were customized to enhance the appeal and playfulness of the logotype, making the brand identity more memorable and approachable.

The business cards come in various colours, and all the colour combos are bright and optimistic, featuring shades of purple, yellow and orange. Even the brand’s packaging has a variety of bold colour combinations – idiosyncratic and always changing!

The colours and radiating linework are both reflecting the organisation’s positive and supportive mission for the public. They are also a tangible reminder of the important work that Purple Door Coffee is doing to help young adults leave homelessness.

Another worthy mention is the key illustration on the front of the business card, giving a clever nod to the passageway. And on it, there’s a clear and simple message “You Have Value,” reminding people to always know their self-worth to “unlock” their journey or start a new life.

All in all, these Purple Door Coffee business cards are a great example of how a well-thought-out design can help elevate a brand to a whole new level while making the “life-changing coffee” concept clear to the public. It’s how every delicious cup of coffee creates a passageway of opportunity that provides jobs for young people coming out of homelessness – the brand’s mission is clear, positive and appealing!


Here’s the video recap:

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Purple Door Coffee business cardsPurple Door Coffee_key illustrationPurple Door Coffee cupPurple Door Coffee packaging Purple Door Coffee brandingPurple Door Coffee laptopPurple Door Coffee glass window signPurple Door Coffee_mug

Designed by Made Shop

For Purple Door Coffee

Jennifer Wong
Jennifer Wong
Articles: 1516