JammyYummy business card

Jammy Yummy Homade Jams Business Card

Hey Studio designed these business cards for Jammy Yummy, homemade jams made with fresh vegetables based in Miami.

Aiming to create new veggie experiences, Jammy Yummy offers natural jams with unusual flavours, fine texture and a perfect balance between sweet and salty. Their hand-made range of savoury vegetable jams is fun food and snacks made for sharing.

Apart from its catchy name, the visual identity of Jammy Yummy is equally appealing!

Hey Studio created different variants for the business card design using strong and vivid colours, based on the jam’s packaging with different flavours, while keeping the rest of the design minimal. You can root for the flavour of your choice by choosing the colour (of the card) you like since Hey Studio had made it so much easier to tell the flavours apart thanks to their colour system.

The visual identity was created based on the idea of ‘partying’. The random die-cut perforations/holes on the business cards (and labels) suggest the constant nibbling that the food provokes. Overall, the card design looks fun and super memorable!

JammyYummy packaging2

Designed by Hey Studio

For Jammy Yummy

Jennifer Wong
Jennifer Wong
Articles: 1521

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