Iodice Legami Agricultural Business Card

Iodice Legami Agricultural Business Card

Paolo De Angelis designed these business cards for Iodice Legami, an agricultural company that deals with the production and wholesale of ornamental green plants.

These business cards are designed to express a sophisticated image with a modern take on the agricultural industry.

“Iodice Legami has a history of great family tradition as it was founded around 1970,” Paolo said.

“However, after years of success, the business lost its strength and fell into decline.”

“Until around a year ago, the five grandchildren of the founders decided to revive the company, keeping its name but adapting it to the modern world.”

“Starting from these values, we understood that the only way to revive this activity from its ashes was to create a logo and a coordinated image that were contemporary but that recalled the glories of the past.”

“For this reason, we immediately discarded the idea of representing flowers, plants, leaves, etc.”

So, what exactly did the brand go for?


An Elegant Brand Image

Roots. Something that’s so vital to plants but frequently overlooked when it comes to expressing a botanical brand.

“For the creative concept, we leveraged and exploited the corporate values and focused on the heart of the company itself: a historical, deeply rooted company in the past, but with an eye towards the future,” Paul said.

“The values that we have highlighted, through a pictogram that’s structurally current but with a reference to tradition, are represented by the desire to always carry forward the old and the new, tradition and innovation, quality craftsmanship and, in perspective, the benefits of renewable energy.”

Iodice Legami Agricultural Business Cards_1


The Anatomy of the Logo

According to Paolo, this binomial is always present and alive within the pictogram, which contrasts a rigid, static, rooted structure in the lower part with a fluid, organic, innovative, aiming structure towards the business’s exponential and widespread growth in the upper part.

“The lower segments of the pictogram show that this area is where the roots, foundations, and family tradition are.”

“The roots are five, like the number of grandchildren or partners, and they branch out in the upper part, giving the idea of development and progress.”

“These segments, above the dividing line, convey the progress, the future, and the evolution of society.”

“The horizontal line, or the dividing line, between these two views serves as a separator between the past (tradition) and the future (innovation).”

Iodice Legami Agricultural logo


Typography and Colours

The brand used a sans serif font for the logotype. At the same time, monochrome colours are used throughout the visual identity instead of green to bring focus to the copper-foiled logomark.

 “The identified colour palette (slate* and copper) gives the whole project a sense of modernity associated with a strong and rooted tradition.”

“It also creates an elegant and refined chromatic visual system, clearly differentiating itself from the competitors.”

“Even the main font, Museo Slab, is in line with these values and reflects the principle of solidity and reliability but also conveys a modern message that looks to the future.”

(Note: *a colour derived from rock; greyish blue shade)


The Printing of Business Cards

These business cards were printed on textured paper using the copper foil printing technique.

“We have also decided to exploit the idea of past and future in business card printing,” Paolo stated.

“To do so, we’ve chosen a strong, tenacious, slate-coloured paper combined with a hot foil print, which smells of tradition, of strong roots, of a beautiful memory.”

“This binomial, elegant, leathery and refined quality has become the synoptic element of all communication.”

“Furthermore, the tactile effect of the business card is a dive into the past with a vision of the future.”


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Iodice Legami Agricultural stationeryIodice Legami Agricultural business card_2Iodice Legami Agricultural Business CardsIodice Legami Agricultural letterheadIodice Legami Agricultural_logo

Designed by Paolo De Angelis

For Iodice Legami – società Agricola (agricultural society)

Jennifer Wong
Jennifer Wong
Articles: 1517