damian king illustrator business cards

Damian King Graphic Designer Business Card

Damian King designed these catchy business cards for his self-branding as a graphic designer and illustrator.

According to Damian, his personal style and aesthetic has grown quite a bit in the past 3-5 years and his branding needed to reflect that.

Although he’s still very much immersed in lettering, illustration and retro vibes, his work has taken on a more playful approach.

“This new branding look is based on simple geometric shapes and happy playful colors. It’s equal parts mid-century modern and California cool,” Damian said.

“The monogram, or letter-mark, used on the front of my card reflects the simple playful shapes that make up the illustration on the back of the card.”

“I created 5 separate design for the back, some purely abstract and others with a more representational approach.”

These business cards were printed by MOO with a soft touch finish, as Damian described it, “It’s basically a satin finish with a kind of grippy feel. Almost feels like a rubber coating.”


Check out our Business Card Categories to find more business card designs. 

Designed by Damian King

Printed by MOO

For Damian King Design

Jennifer Wong
Jennifer Wong
Articles: 1516

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