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Cul-de-sac Design Studio Business Card

Cul-de-sac Creative designed these business cards for their corporate branding as an Adelaide-based studio that designs alluring visual brands for businesses, organisations and individuals.

The brand’s visual identity was inspired by Mid-century modern style paired with Bauhaus design.

Speaking of the brand name, “A cul-de-sac is a dead-end street, particularly one with a circle for turning around at the end. We liked the name because cul-de-sac streets are less congested, less traditional and designed for a positive outcome, just like our work,” said Marco Cicchianni, the Creative Director of the studio.

“Our business cards are derived from our ‘cul-de-sac’ brandmark and our first design print from 2009.”

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The business card design is simple yet striking. It has a unique die-cut that distinguishes itself from other cards.

Over the years, two versions of business card were printed: the first using the Univers Next Light font, and the second using Aeonik Light font by Co-type foundry.

These business cards were die-cut and printed in two colours by Peacock Printing in Adelaide, Australia.

The first edition of cards was printed on 400gsm Conqueror Laid paper while the second edition was printed on 225gsm Kaskad Canary Yellow, duplexed to 450gsm.

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Designed by Cul-de-sac Creative

Printed by Peacock Printing

For Cul-de-sac Creative corporate branding

Jennifer Wong
Jennifer Wong
Articles: 1516

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