Bremer Immobilien property_business cards

Bremer Immobilien Property Management Business Card

KR8 Bureau designed these business cards for a property management company named Bremer Immobilien.

“With Bremer we didn’t want to go into a logo-based design process where we start with a brand mark and look how the rest pans out,” said Florian Kowatz, the Creative Director of KR8 Bureau.

“It was important for us to visualize their ambition which was to be a property management group that is really there for their clients.”

“A company to which people actually have personal connection. Not a dry office that manages tasks, but – similar to an agency – people that are there for you.”

“So to speak: Little heroes that save your day.”

“Also, they have a young, modern approach in terms of integration and diversity in society.”

“We represented this thought in the broad variety of many colored papers that actually are made with real fruit kennels!”


Logo Design & Business Card Printing

The company’s logo ‘B’ is a non-conventional type – it’s three-dimensional and cover most of the paper space. There’s a good reason for that,

“The icon ‘B’ is not a classic logo, it is a symbol that always adapts to fill out the canvas, just like the company stays flexible in their service to fulfill the client’s needs.”

These business cards were printed by Fischer Druck in Vienna, using a black print on paper series ‘Crush’ (which has an amazing texture of crushed fruit kennels in it) for that added tactile advantage.

What a great way to make a statement and be memorable at the same time!


Check out our Business Card Categories to find more business card designs. 



Bremer Immobilien branding2Bremer Immobilien postersBremer Immobilien branding1

Designed by KR8 Bureau

Printed by Fischer Druck

For Bremer Immobilien

Jennifer Wong
Jennifer Wong
Articles: 1516

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