Your Friendly Translator business cards

Your Friendly Translator Business Card

Juli Janny designed these business cards for Your Friendly Translator (YFT), a translation agency based in Austria.

YFT was founded in 2020 by Claudia, who’s the brain and heart behind it.

“Claudia is a German native speaker who works with English at native speaker level. Her services include translation, proofreading, editing, software localisation and transcreation,” Juli replied when asked about the nature of business of her client.

Juli managed the branding project including designing its logo, website and business cards.

Your Friendly Translator business card2

The Design Concept

According to Juli, they wanted to breathe new life into the generic business cards by using German and English word plays. “To have a sense of humour is important, and that’s why Your Friendly Translator is not your run-of-the-mill translation agency.”

“German and English are very different. Claudia wants to help her clients to avoid putting their foot in their mouth, and to ensure they get the message across at all times. This informed our approach to this design.”

Your Friendly Translator business card3YFT_colour palette

Logo Design & Typography

“The idea behind the logo was using the letter F as arrows to show that an exchange is taking place between ‘Y’ (you) and ‘T’ (the translator). We chose the ‘F’ both for its shape and connotation. After all, ‘F’ stands for friendly. And that‘s what Claudia is all about: friendly, efficient and respectful.”

The colours used are playful, positive and friendly, just like the brand itself. As for the typography used for the tagline, it is called Input Serif Compressed.

“With this slab serif, we wanted to give a contrast to the playful hand lettering (written by Juli herself) and illustrations. The illustrations always reflect the text on the back of the business cards.”

These business cards were printed on 19pt thickness, non-bendy paper with a velvety look and feel by MOO.

“To us, it was important that the colours look vibrant,” Juli added.

Your Friendly Translator business cardYour Friendly Translator_blueYour Friendly Translator_greenYTF websiteYTF logo animation

Designed by Juli Janny

Printed by MOO

For Your Friendly Translator e.U.

Jennifer Wong
Jennifer Wong
Articles: 1516

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