Urias wine retailer business cards

Urias Premium Wine Retailer Business Card

Atry Design Studio designed these business cards for Urias, a store and distributor of premium cachaças, wines and beverages located in Patos de Minas, Minas Gerais, Brazil.

Before we delve into the creative influences behind these eye-catching business cards, it’s important to know that Urias boasts a remarkable track record of over four decades in the market!

Therefore, the rebranding of Urias’ visual identity was meticulously thought out in order to reflect an aura of elegance, sophistication and refinement for the brand.

Let’s break down the visual elements of this striking brand identity:


Logo Design

The Urias’ logo was inspired by the brand’s initial, the letter “U.” But the magic doesn’t stop there.

Remarkably, the shape of the letter “U” is skillfully transformed into an elegant wine glass, which has become the brand’s iconic symbol!

In addition to this distinctive feature, the inside of the letter houses symbolic elements that encapsulate the premium quality of the exclusive drinks marketed by the company.

The stars, a timeless symbol of superior quality, were chosen to personify the premium drinks. This choice gives the logo a visual element that resonates perfectly with the level of excellence intrinsic to the Urias brand.



The brand’s logotype was a customised typeface developed specifically for the brand.

Atry Design added an artistic touch to the logotype by ingeniously superimposing the letter “I” over the “R” to convey a sense of lightness and contemporaneity.

Not only that, it aims to immediately catch the eye of its target audience and pique their interests!

The auxiliary typography was chosen in favour of Prompt, a contemporary font choice that incorporates delicate strokes and ensures excellent legibility.

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Pattern Design and Colours

To add more visual impact to the business cards, taglines with subtle opaqueness (in the form of watermarks) were added to the contact details side of the card.

Another worthy mention is the graphic patterns found on the product labels and packaging designs. Stunning!

According to Atry Design, these supporting graphic elements were conceived from the intrinsic elements of the logo, intensifying the cohesion of the brand and expanding the opportunities for creative development.

As for the colour palette, it is made up of a selection of shades that include dark red, burnt yellow and linen. This elegant and contemporary combination culminates in a completely harmonious composition.


Printing of Business Cards

Although not directly involved in the printing process, Atry suggested printing the business cards on 320gsm paper stock with matte lamination and localised varnish.

This printing suggestion guarantees an end result that not only harmonises with the essence of the Urias, but also exudes a distinguished brand with uncompromising quality!


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Urias business cards_2 Urias wine retailer branding Urias wine retailer packaging design_1 Urias wine retailer social media post

Designed by Atry Design Studio

For Urias

Jennifer Wong
Jennifer Wong
Articles: 1516