Untold graphic design studio business card

Untold Consultant Brand Strategist Business Card

Steve Younger designed these business cards for their corporate branding Untold Consultants, a globally awarded brand strategists and designers based in Sydney, Australia.

As storytellers, Untold created their corporate business cards using a different approach with the details – making the contact info more conversational and personal.

On the other side of the business card, a special design was made to express a hidden but important idea.

“The idea in the logo is that Untold™ find the missing content for their clients–the untold story!” explained Steve, the Director of Untold.

“And then create a strategy (and the creative) to leverage it.”

The logotype is bold and catchy. If you look closely, there are two speech bubble icons at the front and back of the logo.

This is similar to filling in the gaps, defining untold stories and making tangible stories that resonates with their clients.

These business cards were printed by Clint Harvey, which according to Steve, the “Master” printer.

“We used Notturno 450gsm for the card-printing and foiled the card on both sides using magnesium blocks, as there was no ultra-fine detail requiring brass blocks.”

“The business cards used two foils, a black foil and a white.”

“We did experiment with clear foil but found the black to be a better effect and apply more consistently.”


Feel free to visit our Business Card Categories section to find more business card designs. 

Designed by Steve Younger

Printed by Clint Harvey

For Untold Consultants

Jennifer Wong
Jennifer Wong
Articles: 1516

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