Under business card

Under Design Agency Business Card

Tobias Ottomar designed these business cards for Under, a Swedish design agency based in Stockholm that has now merged and becomes Sunny at Sea.

“The brand name, Under, also means wonder/miracle in Swedish. We wanted to get through a bit of a divine feeling in the branding and logo. You know that moment after weeks of hard work and you started to doubt yourself, and then suddenly, you had an epiphany and saw the perfect solution appeared in a bright light before your eyes!” said Tobias, the Creative Director at Sunny at Sea.

The super-striking, dynamic-looking logo is a perfect addition to the vibrant blue colour cardstock, with the former attracts the prospect’s attention easily with its glossiness.

Under cards
“We wanted the design to be simple but bold; playful but professional. That was the starting point for the identity.”

These business cards were printed by Print Run in Sundbyberg. According to Tobias, the cards were made of duplexed 270 g Arjowiggins Curious Matter Adiron Blue paper, with the front in white foil and the logo on the back in transparent glossy foil.

“All for that extraordinary tactile feel with a big POW!” Tobias added.

Designed by Tobias Ottomar at Sunny at Sea

Printed by Print Run

For Under (Sunny at Sea corporate branding)

Jennifer Wong
Jennifer Wong
Articles: 1521

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