Ufloria Organics business cards

Ufloria Organics Beauty and Wellness Business Card

Yuri Shvets designed these business cards for Ufloria Organics, a premier CBD beauty and wellness boutique based in Seattle, Washington.

Yuri’s client is a seasoned skincare expert, who needed a branding that sets her apart from competitors and instantly communicates that her brand and products are a cut above the rest.

Ufloria is aimed at Gen X women who are looking for the best quality skincare solutions. Therefore, it’s essential for the business card design to convey the image of graceful confidence and uncommon quality associated with the brand.

“We wanted to make it clear from the start that the brand wasn’t just about superficial cosmetic fixes. Instead, its goal is to help women find relief from the stress and pain associated with aging, and to bring out the vivacity that exists in the mind, body and spirit of every woman’,” Yuri said.

Ufloria Organics branding

Logo Design

The brand’s logo features a hummingbird illustration combined with the letter “U”, which is the brand’s initial.

Yuri explained that his goal was to add something new and refreshing to the category that has been heavily saturated with such clichés as hemp leaves and oil drops.

“I’ve introduced the hummingbird metaphor, which stands for the vivacity and purity of nature, and the ageless universal spirit that motivates every woman to become a more wholesome version of herself.”

Ufloria Organics branding2

Typography & Colours

The main typography used in the visual identity is Democratica, designed by the acclaimed British typographer Miles Newlyn.

“The font expresses timeless elegance yet is also distinguished by a certain exotic quirkiness. These qualities help position the brand as something truly rare and special.”

“Democratica’s strong personality is complemented by the Gotham san serif family, which is known for its utilitarian modernity.”

Purple was chosen as the brand’s main colour because it occurs so rarely in nature.

“Purple exudes the quality of something being rare and intriguing. It’s also traditionally been known as the colour of royalty and as such, it’s meant to portray high class and sophistication.”

Ufloria Organics logo

Business Card Printing

The business cards were printed by MOO, an online print boutique based in Lincoln, Rhode Island. A heavy cover stock was chosen so the cards would look sturdy and sharp.

“Originally, I suggested a letterpress impression to emphasise a bespoke look and feel, and timeless sophistication. However, due to the expensive nature of this method, the client opted to go with high-quality digital printing,” Yuri said.

“Even though this initially felt like a significant compromise, the end result was still quite satisfying.”

Ufloria Organics business cardUfloria Organics hummingbirdUfloria Organics productsUfloria Organics bagUfloria Organics sign

Designed by Yuri Shvets

Printed by MOO

For Ufloria Organics

Jennifer Wong
Jennifer Wong
Articles: 1516

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