Tropicalia Craft Kombucha business card

Tropicalia Craft Kombucha Business Card

Studio Almôndega designed these business cards for Tropicalia Craft Kombucha (Tropicalia Kombucharia), a small craft producer of Kombucha based in Brazil.

The branding design of Tropicalia Craft Kombucha was inspired by the ‘Tropicalismo’, a Brazilian artistic movement that arrived in Brazil bringing a new way of making music. The brand was developed with the objective of bringing this new and dynamic aspect – a unique way of producing Kombuchas linked to Brazilian tropical culture.

Tropicalia Craft KombuchaTropicalia Kombucharia Logo
“The client started the business to share the Brazilian culture with the world, like its flavours, fruits and colours. The result was this visual identity that’s capable of representing the essence of Brazilian culture – colourful, happy and showing what’s best in Brazil,” explained Lucas Medeiros, the Art Director at Studio Almôndega.

The business card design is vibrant and colourful, enhanced with a super striking logotype. According to Lucas, the logotype was custom made via hand-lettering.

Tropicalia Craft Kombucha sketchTropicalia Craft Kombucha business_card
“I made a sketch of the logo on paper, then vectorized it on Adobe Illustrator. I used the Tropicália culture movement in Brazil as reference to create this type.”

These business cards are not printed but if they were, “I hope to print the cards on rives cream paper 300 gr, with serigraphy printing technique,” Lucas suggested.

Tropicalia Craft Kombucha business cardTropicalia illustration Tropicalia Craft Kombucha poster

Designed by Studio Almôndega

For Tropicalia Craft Kombucha (Tropicalia Kombucharia)

Jennifer Wong
Jennifer Wong
Articles: 1516

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