Teresa White business coach business card

Teresa White Coaching Business Card

Amber Brannon designed these business cards for Teresa White, a life & business coach.

“Teresa works with high level female entrepreneurs in the Nashville area. She has a very spunky, stylish and upbeat attitude towards life – so we created a brand that represented her personality while also radiating professionalism and success!” Amber said.

“She was very drawn to the crisp color palette, chic typography and angular shapes to create a modern feel to the cards.”

“Her initial reaction after seeing them for the first time was “y’all knocked it out of the park!” – we love sweet southern compliments, especially about our designs we present to our clients.”

These cards were printed by 4Over using smooth paper.

“As a branding agency, we are able to partner with 4over to do wholesale printing with them,” Amber said.

“We used a smooth paper to give potential clients a texture to feel, interact with, and write on as Teresa is passing out her cards.”

This is a well-designed business card with a feminine touch and a lasting impression!

Designed by Amber Brannon, Copperheart Creative

Printed by 4Over Inc

For Teresa White, Teresa White Coaching

Jennifer Wong
Jennifer Wong
Articles: 1521

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