Saarinen artist representative business cards

Saarinen Artist Representative Business Card

Eric Kass designed these business cards for Saarinen, an art representative for directors, animators, designers and composers based in Hollywood, California.

Owned by Toni Saarinen, the ex-daughter-in-law of architect/designer Eero Saarinen, the design concept was based on the hummingbird’s fluttering wings recall flickering film as well as being a favorite experience of hers while hiking.

Toni’s contact details were printed neatly on the backside of the card, divided by dotted lines. Overall, a simple, fresh design that is both appealing and memorable.

These business cards were printed by Faulkenberg Printing using letterpress printing technique.

Saarinen artist representative business card

Designed by Eric Kass

Printed by Faulkenberg Printing

For Saarinen: Artist Rep

Jennifer Wong
Jennifer Wong
Articles: 1521

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