Chá de Bold Estúdio designed these business cards for Rosana Leite’s branding as a psychologist.
“Rosana Leite is a professional in the field of psychology who uses her methodologies to treat women with personal trauma, through a deep healing process. The challenge with your new brand is to transmit all these movement of love, compassion, peace, strength and comfort that your mission carries for the life of each woman you serve,” said Rodrigo Menezes, the Art Director at Chá de Bold Estúdio.
“With the use of the EMDR technique in her therapies, the professional reprograms the brains of her patients in order to cure their trauma. The slogan’s positioning for the brand, ‘Giving up is not an option’ is clear in indicating a new path through life and taking a fresh start. The brand brings the necessary elements to emphasize the symbology within Rosana’s work in flourishing in these patients a new way of living.”
The typography used in the visual identity is Nexa. According to Rodrigo, the construction of the logo was based on the journey of the patients along with the therapist. “We used the blend of items that composes the universe of the client, such woman patients, the flourishing brain, and the shape of the ‘R’ of Rosana, which closes this cycle.”
“For the colour palette, we needed a soft and warm colour palette. Her clients, in most cases, are women who had suffered some kind of abuse in their lives, and needed deep therapy. So, we’ve chosen colours that communicates hope (green) and change (orange), followed by pastel tones.”
As for the pattern used on the back of the business card, “It is the ‘flower’ element used as brain in the logo. We needed to emphasize the ‘flourishing’ concept along the collateral pieces of the branding, in a more creative way, without disconnecting from the main core of the project,” Rodrigo said.
These business cards were printed on Couché paper 300g.
Designed by Chá de Bold Estúdio
For Rosana Leite