Rahhco baby wear business cards

Rahhco Baby Clothing Business Card

Natasha Brady had designed these business cards for Rahhco, a unique bamboo baby apparel that is ecofriendly and gentle on the skin.

The Logo and Design Process

“The client has been working with me in preparations for her company launch. The client has been extremely fantastic to work alongside and the creative collaboration has been like no other. The detail that has gone into every step during the design process has been worth it,” Natasha said.

“The client wants to create a fun yet sophisticated look and feel, complementing the new branding with ecofriendly marketing materials and packaging.”

As for the logotype, the initial concept was to create the word visually as it is when heard. The lettering grows upward, just like when sound goes from low to high in a volume.


Business Card Printing Details

When it comes to printing, Natasha and her client had to run a couple of test prints as the client was considering white print at first.

“The white didn’t quite suit the communication for the purpose of the business card so black was the winning choice.”

“There was some slight die running issues with the icons which was easily fixed (lines too thin) apart from that the setup process was quite simple.”

“The card stock is slightly dearer but has a rough surface and a thickness of 225gsm, the client chose square shape with rounded corners to soften the look and feel that goes with the branding and product quite well.”

These business cards were printed on buffalo board card stock by a West Australian wholesaler. You may DM Natasha at @tellingdesigns for more printing details.


Feel free to visit our Business Card Categories section to find more business card designs. 

Designed by Natasha Brady at Telling Designs

For Rahhco

Jennifer Wong
Jennifer Wong
Articles: 1521

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