PAM Petshop business cards

PAM Petshop Business Card

Rafaela Sanchez designed these business cards for PAM Petshop, a retail and distribution store for pet accessories and services, including veterinary care, bathing, grooming, ozone therapy and colour therapy.

The client approached Rafaela to help them build a strong, warm and trustworthy brand that would resonate with customers.

PAM Petshop logo

Logo Design

The logo was designed based on two photographs of a cat and a dog juxtaposed. Then, sketching was done on the iPad Pro, and vectorization was done using the Illustrator app.

Rafaela was inspired to use these animals because a dog and a cat are the main elements and can best represent the pet shop.

If you look closely, the ears of the dog and cat actually form the brand’s initials! To make the brand more welcoming, Rafaela added a heart-shaped and a bone icon within the logo.

In addition, the business card’s appearance is enhanced by the inclusion of the support elements – illustrations of other animals, such as rodents and birds, hand-drawn from photographs and vectorized. Cute!

PAM Petshop logo constructionPAM Petshop illustrations

Typography & Colours

The typeface used for the logotype is Mighty Mountain. It’s a hand-drawn font that comes with a bunch of interlocking and stacked characters.

“The font is a well-built typography; cute, fluffy, rounded and with rounded corners. It brings spontaneity, fun and joy to the brand,” Rafaela explained.

“In terms of the colour palette, we’ve chosen shades of yellow and orange, which are happy and vibrant colours. The black contrasts and adds a little bit of seriousness to the brand.”

When it comes to card-printing, Rafaela suggested having the business cards printed on regular suede* cardstock, which is splash resistant and perfect for combining with spot UV or offset printing.

*regular suede is velvety smooth to the touch, but it’s durable and resistant to tearing.

PAM Petshop business cardsPAM Petshop business cardPAM Petshop boxesPAM Petshop letterheadPAM Petshop logo_1PAM Petshop pillowPAM Petshop products

Designed by Rafaela Sanchez at Clementina Design

For PAM Petshop

Jennifer Wong
Jennifer Wong
Articles: 1517

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