Ojo Cafe business card

Ojo Cafe Business Card

Paola Santos designed these business cards for Ojo Café, a café that serves you real iced coffee in Naga City, Philippines.

“Ojo Café started this year as a family business whose actual last name is Ojo,” Paola said.

“This cafe is not just a hangout place, we’d like to envision it as the place where people can gather and talk about ideas and events.”

“It can also be a home for creative folks in Naga City.”

Other factors contributed to the branding design including the little unique cafes in Japan and, of course, the brand name itself.

The business card design has one of the catchiest logotypes ever that not only serves as a fun wide-eyed illustration but also a perfect expression of the brand ‘Ojo’.

“As we know, ‘Ojo’ means eye in Spanish,” Paola explained.

“The brand identity pretty much revolved around ‘eyes’ and the client had something in mind on how they wanted it to look like – it’s a face that resembles the word ‘Ojo’ with caffeinated, wide awake eyes.”

“If we move the eyes on every corner, it will form a crescent moon which can mean nocturnal.”

Also, the word ‘eyes’ is similar to the pronunciation of ‘iced’ (coffee), which is associated to Ojo Café’s merchandise.

Overall, it’s a witty and edgy idea that makes this monochrome business card design a gem!

These business cards were printed by a printing company based in BF Homes, Paranaque.


Feel free to visit our Business Card Categories section to find more business card ideas. 

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Designed by Paola Santos for Maine Manalansan (an internship project)

For Ojo Cafe

Jennifer Wong
Jennifer Wong
Articles: 1516

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