Mullygrub business card

Mullygrub Café & Food Truck Business Card

David Byerlee designed these business cards for Mullygrub, a café and food truck in McLaren Vale, South Australia.

Mullygrub started in 2014 as McLaren Vale’s very own food truck, ran by well-seasoned chef Sean Mullholland. Due to the success of the food truck, Mullygrub took the leap to open a permanent café, covering an array of tastes, built by its passion for simple good food made from scratch. David handled the exterior/interior design of the café, including its visual identity as well.

“The design represents the cafe’s forever-changing food style; an intriguing form of energy. Almost organized chaos-like. The branding also features a heavily detailed kaleidoscope of fresh ingredients. The black and white typography creates relief to this in contrast,” David said.

“Just like all of Mullygrub’s food is handmade in house or locally sourced, all typography work is hand-drawn and vectorised, pushing authentic and organic cues.”

These business cards were printed on matt velvet laminated artboard 400gsm with blind high-build gloss varnishes by Ink On Paper in South Australia.

Mullygrub card

Designed by David Byerlee Design

Printed by Ink On Paper

For Mullygrub

Jennifer Wong
Jennifer Wong
Articles: 1516

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