Mountair business card

Mountair Construction Business Card

Maxim Durbailov designed these business cards for Mountair, a team of experts in the design and construction of timber homes in Bergen, Norway. They are very skilled and have a lot of experience.

All the way from harvesting and processing timber to foundation laying, Mountair builds turnkey houses with utility systems. A woodworking factory and transportation logistics help them stay at the top of the market because they make everything in-house.

“To better understand the timber frame market, the Mountair team reached out to us and requested that we conduct visual research. The task was to analyse the strengths and weaknesses of competitors and select the best solutions for their own implementation while keeping the values and the main message for the target audience,” Maxim said.

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Brand Name

The name, Mountair, is a combination of the words ‘mountains’ and ‘air’. The company’s construction method incorporates the use of natural and high-quality woods and other building materials.

Mountair’s essence is lightness and freshness. It’s the fresh air that surrounds your home and allows you to roam freely. Reliability is expressed in the mountains’ strength and power.

When it comes to the brand image, Maxim said, “First of all, the client wanted to express through the business card design that his brand is strong and confident. It was necessary to create a sense of trust in the target audience, and I think we succeeded by using the right fonts and colour palette.”

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Logo Design & Inspiration

Reliability and confidence are expressed through the stylized mountains in the logo. The mark symbolises the roof as well as the stylized letter M, which is the initial of the company name. The whole design is based on geometric construction, down to the smallest of details.

“It was important to put together and translate the client’s ideas using our vision and experience in branding development and create a distinctive and trusting brand identity for Mountair.”

mountair logo

Typography & Colour Palette

Akira Expanded is the typeface that was used in the logo design to match the brand’s essence and image, and it has great legibility too!

“When it comes to font choices, I try to focus on the core business of the brand I’m designing for. For example, if it is a children’s brand, then the font should have a fun and playful style. If this is a law firm, strict typography should be used,” Maxim explained.

“Of course, we should also listen to the opinion of the client, but this is the basis.”

Maxim mainly used green to convey the atmosphere of the forest, lightness and purity, and he did it in a more modern way.

Mountair business cards

The client will handle the card printing. When asked for printing advice, Maxim said, “The correct use of colours is an important criterion when printing a business card. The CMYK colour mode is different from RGB, and it’s very essential to know this difference.”

“At the beginning of my career as a designer, I made the mistake of sending files created in RGB for printing. However, it has the potential to ruin the design significantly, no matter how good it is.”

“If we’re talking about the fundamentals, always add bleeds to your designs. If the client doesn’t specify a value, set it to 3mm,” he added.

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Designed by Maxim Durbailov

For Mountair

Jennifer Wong
Jennifer Wong
Articles: 1521

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