Miller Design Studio business card

Miller Design Studio Business Card

Emileah Miller designed these business cards for Miller Design Studio, a full service design agency specializing in brand design, brand and marketing strategies, illustrations, logo design, web design, print and digital materials.

This is Emileah’s brand design business. She wanted a strong design for her business cards to represent her business and design style, “Miller Design Studio builds luxury, modern designs, using line illustrations, unique type and soft colours. I wanted a classic, feminine style font so I chose Bellochero – described as ‘a crafted luxury font’.”

Miller Design Studio business cards
“On the front of my business card I created an art deco style pattern, to form a classic look embodying luxury and decadence. On the back, I used my logomark, an illustration of a hand sketching small stars, as Miller Design Studio is passionate about building magical brands and content,” Emileah said.

Miller Design hand illustration
“I enjoy creating custom illustrations for clients so they have a unique brand identity that is recognizable and meaningful to them so I wanted to include this into my own branding and logo mark. I used a mauve pink as this is a positive colour inspiring comforting and warm feelings – this is how I want my clients to feel. I love how this colour works against the white text and illustration.”

These business cards are not printed yet but soon, using recyclable Moo Cotton Business Cards, uncoated and naturally textured.

“Miller Design Studio is passionate about sustainable business initiatives which is why having recyclable business cards is important to us,” Emileah explained.

Miller Design Studio businesscardMiller Design Studio businesscards

Designed by Emileah Miller

For Miller Design Studio

Jennifer Wong
Jennifer Wong
Articles: 1516

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