Memory Plant business card

Memory Plant Organization Business Card

Everyday Practice designed these business cards for Memory Plant, an organization that records voices of the socially underprivileged through projects such as content planning, workshops and publishing.

“Memory Plant is more like a public-sector activist who wants to tell many people the stories of the underprivileged who have been forgotten through collection and records. It recently expanded its business area to a company that seeks life value by collaborating with companies and organizations and commissioned a renewal design to include such a vision in its identity,” said Kwon Joonho, one of the founders of the design studio.

Explaining the design process and inspirations behind this fascinating visual identity, Joonho continued, “Their vision is ‘Memory Plant’, which seeks a better life through records. While looking for a record-related motif, we found a bookcase and shelf that collected books and materials. The design concept was ‘Records of Memory, Shelf of Records’ and thought of a simple structure that resembled the shape of shelves and bookcase.”

Memory Plant businesscards
“As a non-heavy identity like prefabricated furniture, each spelling itself was considered to be used as a graphic motif. The colours were selected for each member of the memory plant and adjusted to a similar saturation and brightness. The typeface used SM Maxéville Constructed and Regular to best hold our concepts.”

Memory Plant_business cards
Memory Plant handled the card-printing themselves. According to Joonho, “The printing was carried out with the usual offset printing. No post-processing was required. Considering that the overall colour tone is low, however, it was intended to convey a calm impression by printing it on a matte paper.”

Memory Plant business card

Designed by Everyday Practice

Printed by Memory Plant

For Memory Plant

Jennifer Wong
Jennifer Wong
Articles: 1521

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