Mambo visual production business card

Mambo Visual Production Business Card

Jonathan Filmiano designed these business cards for Mambô, a visual production company specializing in the creation of photographic and visual content.

The Mambô brand believes in the union of art, communication, and affection. It’s effective in the creation of visual content for companies that recognise the importance of social values and conscious content.

The aim of the design is to portray Mambo as a humanized, unique production that tells a story.

Therefore, the business card has a simple yet striking design. It has a clear emphasis on the logo and a striking orange to attract people’s attention.

Mambo business cards


An Elegant Logotype

“The client needed a minimalist, elegant and modern brand image,” Jonathan said.

“Thus, the logo uses half of the space to stand out in a free and expressive way.”

According to Jonathan, the logotype was based on a display serif font to give it a sense of elegance and modernity.

“To further reinforce the brand, the letter ‘M’ was customized with the idea of bringing the image of fluidity and lightness, making the brand even more expressive.”

“On the back of the business card, a light sans serif font was used (as body text) to bring the contact information in a subtle way,” he said.

Mambo stationery design


Striking Colour Combo

The colour palette of the brand features a vibrant contrast between orange and green.

“With that, came the idea of bringing the ‘citrus orange’ and the ‘jungle green’. Thus, we convey the idea of a humanized, conscious, and sustainable brand.”


The Printing of Business Cards

These business cards have not yet been printed, but if they were, Jonathan suggested having them printed on a textured matte paper.

“The card also contains relief to highlight and convey the idea of sophistication and modernity passed by the brand,” Jonathan added.


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Designed by Jonathan Filmiano

For Mambô

Jennifer Wong
Jennifer Wong
Articles: 1516

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