Khepri Granola Business Card

Braedon Millar designed these business cards for Khepri Granola, a Melbourne based granola company.

Khepri is the Egyptian god of the rising sun, a fitting name and identity to the luxury breakfast granola up focused on a quality process and wholesome ingredients,” said Braedon.

“Kai from Khepri was looking for their branding to represent wholesome and simplistic just like their product, while containing an element of luxury.”

“Kai is all about organics and nature so when the possibility for mahogany business cards came up it was an easy choice.”


The Printing of Business Cards

These business cards were printed by Print on Wood.

Regarding the printing options, Braedon said, “I’m not sure how they put together the business cards at Print on Wood, but the style was just black ink straight onto the wood, no embossing or gloss.”

“The mahogany business cards gave the brand that extra something special to make them stand out from the ordinary.”

The idea to use a wooden material for this visual identity is a spectacular one, it makes people think of the importance of organics and beauty of nature while offering tangible quality to the overall brand image.


Feel free to visit our Business Card Categories section to find more business card designs. 

Designed by Braedon Millar

Printed by Print on Wood

For Khepri Granola Melbourne

Jennifer Wong
Jennifer Wong
Articles: 1516

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