Kapsulë business cards

Kapsule Art Décor Business Card

Elsa Antoun designed these business cards for Kapsulë, a brand that offers unique high quality art décor that is customized to fit any home style.

Kapsulë’s products are handmade with love and precision to ensure the best outcome with the finest quality.

“The brand identity directly reflects the brand itself – it is timeless yet trendy, creative, elegant and distinctive,” Elsa said. “The business cards reflect these notions, through the dynamic layout and the uniqueness of each business card to each person.”

“The founder, is the base of the brand and hence is the capsule itself, while the co-founder, is the hand that helped in nourishing this brand and making it grow,” Elsa said.

Kapsulë - cylinder

Design Concept

The brand name, Kapsulë, was taken from the word ‘time capsule’.

“A time capsule creates a fantasy behind forgotten items placed within them years ago, be it a letter to your future self or a friendship bracelet from an estranged friend. Just like this capsule gives life and importance to these disregarded objects, Kapsulë creates classy items from everyday seen objects, such as wooden barrels and fire extinguishers.”

“The brand identity and business cards were inspired from the above concept, a vintage feel with a modern touch. This applies to how the illustration style was brought to life through the dreamy and fantastical mood.”

Logo, Typography & Colours

The brand’s logo was done in a stamp-like format, since these are hand-made items, every items is uniquely stamped by Kapsulë.

“The shape of the logo as well as the letter K, are created by the shape of the capsule.”

According to Elsa, the typeface used in the visual identity is called Addington CF.

“The use of a serif font gives the brand a sense of maturity, while the typographic emphasis in every statement through the italics, creates a story to everything said.”

“As for the colour palette, it was inspired by the fact that this is a brand created by two sisters. They see beauty in everything, even objects that some do not necessarily consider appealing. With their feminine touch, they were able to create handmade items that uplift every home.”

Kapsule logoKapsule icons

The client handled the card-printing themselves. When asked about the possible printing outcome, Elsa suggested, “I’d choose Beermat 400gr for the business card, with the text vaguely debossed on it.”

“This paper has a slightly rough texture to it, which gives it a vintage feel. Apart from that, it is usually used for coasters, but giving it another purpose in this brand, reflected perfectly how the brand uses everyday items in different manners. “

“The letterhead and envelope were printed on Old Mill Bianco, a textured paper, giving them a ‘handwritten’ letter feel, relating to how people used to place letters within capsules,” Elsa added.

Kapsule business cards1Kapsulë - stationeryKapsulë - tote-bagKapsulë - tagKapsulë - invite2Kapsulë - invite1Kapsulë - boxes2

Designed by Elsa Antoun

For Kapsule (Kapsulë)

Jennifer Wong
Jennifer Wong
Articles: 1516

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