Jemma Rose business card

Jemma Rose Graphic Designer Business Card

Jemma designed these business cards for her personal branding as a graphic designer and illustrator who loves to help small businesses stand out and look good.

“I always try and look on the brighter side of life, and love working with bold colours, fonts and illustrations. Life’s too short for dull colours!” Jemma said.

Jemma Rose Design logo
Jemma’s business card design is cute and lovely. It has a playful feel to it and impressive enough to grab attention. Although we are all amazed by the beauty of her card design, Jemma actually tried a few times before nailing the right one.

“Branding yourself is always tricky isn’t it? I’d played around with dozens of fonts, colours and had actually decided on a design, then looked at it and thought ‘this isn’t me’. I thought of words that would describe myself: bold, pink, fun. And the design I had developed was a (lovely) serif font in pastel colours. Nice, but not me! So, I went back to the drawing board and threw together the elements that were ‘me’.”

Jemma Rose business cards2

Jemma’s hard work paid off and the outcome really speaks for itself. Apart being memorable and eye-catching, it represents Jemma’s brand perfectly. Not to mention, she even made certain texts wavy and groovy, how cool!

“I adore bold sans serif fonts, so Futura Bold was perfect! I couldn’t pick just one pink to use, so I included several shades. To make my branding extra playful, I rotated the letters and incorporated my favourite flower – a daisy.”

Jemma Rose business card

These business cards were printed by MOO.

“I went for Moo’s 100% cotton recycled business cards as I loved the texture and how the colours were saturated. The paper is actually made from recycled t-shirt off cuts which is really cool too.”

Instead of a regular shape, Jemma opted for rounded corners for her cards. She explained, “I felt the rounded corners would add to the playful and bold tones of my design. And printed on the cotton paper, you can’t help but play with them as you hold the card!”


Feel free to visit our Business Card Categories section to find more business card designs. 

Jemma Rose business cards3Jemma Rose business cards

Designed by Jemma Rose Design

Printed by MOO

For Jemma Rose Design personal branding

Jennifer Wong
Jennifer Wong
Articles: 1521

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