Huca business cards

Huca Leather Bags Business Card

Ania Fernández at Likkilow designed these business cards for Huca, a brand of handmade leather bags and accessories based in Colombia.

According to Ania, Huca’s quality products are the results of their attention to details.

For the design process, she did a research about Muisca culture, a very important and representative Colombian culture.

“Specifically, I was inspired by the Muisca goldsmith for the beautiful pieces made of gold and copper composition materials, every piece is handmade just like Huca’s products.”

“In order to represent the elegant, quality handmade work of the brand, I designed a logotype with a sans serif typography accompanied with a foil in gold-copper color, like the material that Muisca goldsmith uses.”



“Then, I selected green colour to represent the artisanal part of the product.”

“Also, I converted an abstraction of a goldsmith piece into an Isotype, which is a very representative graphic element for Huca’s brand communication,” Ania said.

“For the business cards, I wanted to add more relevance to the logo by putting it on the front along with the green color as the background colour.”

“I included the Isotype on the other side of the card to make the brand more memorable.”

“The font I used harmonizes well with the logotype and it appears light and elegant while having good legibility.”

The client printed their business cards with a local printing company in Colombia.

The cards were letterpress-printed on cotton paper to bring out the texts and gone through foiling for that extra class, quality and style!


Check out our Business Card Categories to find more business card designs. 

Huca business cardsHuca accessories_brandingHuca_logoHuca tagsHuca bag

Designed by Ania Fernández at Likkilow

For Huca

Jennifer Wong
Jennifer Wong
Articles: 1516

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