Cafe Lapin business card

Cafe Lapin Business Card

MOA Studio designed these business cards for Cafe Lapin, a French-inspired cafe based in Australia.

MOA Studio has developed a branding system for the hospitality business that is elegant and classic, which has been utilised across both digital and print applications.

Cafe Lapin_SignsCafe Lapin_rabbit illustration

The brand name, Lapin, is similar to Lapine, which means ‘rabbit’ in French, thus the bunny illustration on the visual identity.

According to the designer at MOA, the addition of illustration in a refined and traditional style further enhances the brand concept in a sophisticated way.

These business cards are not printed but if they were, they will be printed on a matte stock with smooth textures.

Cafe Lapin business cardCafe Lapin_Coffee Cup

Designed by MOA Studio

For Cafe Lapin

Jennifer Wong
Jennifer Wong
Articles: 1516

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