cafe kayu business card

Cafe Kayu Business Card

091 designed these business cards for Cafe Kayu, an eatery where you can enjoy porridge, coffee and desserts in Tokyo, Japan.

“Cafe Kayu was located at a station called Shimbashi in the business district. It is a coffee shop opening for a limited period of time only – one year,” explained Daiki, the graphic designer at 091 studio.

The business card design is minimal but has a clever twist when it comes to its logo design.

Cafe Kayu logo
The logo design of the shop that mainly serves rice porridge, consists of the word ‘coffee’ in Japanese (コーヒー) hidden inside the word ‘porridge’ (written as ‘粥’ in Kanji while pronounced as ‘kayu’ in Japanese). Hence, the brand name, Cafe Kayu.

Explaining further regarding the card design, Daiki said, “When placing the front and back sides of the card together, it will reveal the logo – 粥 (means porridge).”

Cafe Kayu business card1Cafe Kayu colour palette
“As for the colour palette, since the place is in the business district, instead of a flashy colour we went for one that is earthy, more calming to a businessman.”

“In addition to simply printing the logo, I am pursuing the possibility of creating a new appearance in a different way beyond that. By putting the business cards together they can express the brand effectively. I have heard that the feedbacks from the customers are quite good.”

“We understand that the point is not only to just have a logo, but to think about what it can convey when the cards are combined and how the customers feel when actually holding it,” he added.

These business cards were printed by a letterpress printing company called Kamaniya. According to Daiki, “It’s a printing company that always meets my needs and very good in letterpress printing. This time, we reduce the logo placement by printing it closer to the edge while applying letterpress printing technique. The cards have black edges and a nice texture feel to them.”

cafe kayu business cardCafe Kayu coffee cupcafe kayu businesscard

Designed by 091 (Design Kyoto)

Printed by Kamaniya

For Cafe Kayu

Jennifer Wong
Jennifer Wong
Articles: 1517

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