Clínica Da Vinci business card

Clinica Da Vinci Health Clinic Business Card

Nici Ponce designed these business cards for Clinica Da Vinci, a health clinic that provides excellence within its medical procedures.

“The clinic operates with the most advanced and innovative equipment and offers the highest quality service for their clients,” Nici said.

“This health clinic is meant to provide luxury and comfort for every client and worker in the company.”


Logo Design Inspiration

According to Nici, this is a rebranding project for Clinica Da Vinci.

It needed a new look that expresses fresh, friendly, modern, innovative and most of all, a high quality clinic.

“Most of the doctors in this clinic are specialized in urology. Due to that, the main shape of the logo was inspired by the shape of a kidney, forming an abstract medical cross between them.”

“None of these shapes appear too literal because I wanted to maintain an elegant look and feel.” And that’s not all.

Nici also created the logo in response to other medical branches of the clinic, such as ophthalmology.

“When two forms of kidney shape cross with one another, you can see the shape of an eye.”

“This clinic is meant to grow with other specializations so I wanted to keep an abstract shape with some ‘hints’ of what they mainly do.”

“However, I kept a gap of flexibility and other means of interpretation due to its abstract form, but a clear message of health and assurance based on the rounded shapes.”

Clínica Da Vinci logoDa Vinci business card


Typography & Colour Palette

The typography used for the business card design are abeatbyKai (for the logotype) and Futura.

Nici used mainly pink and blue for the brand’s colour palette.

When asked about the inspiration behind it, she replied, “This brand was very old-style and they needed a modern look.”

“Therefore, I chose the colours because I wanted to create a sense of trust, modernity and innovation.”

She continued, “I chose blue as the main colour to generate a sense of trust and professionalism.”

“Then, I combined it with light blue and pink for a more relaxed look, and also to express modernity and innovation.”

These business cards are not printed but if they were, “The cards would be offset-printed for an elegant and luxurious look,” Nici suggested.

DaVinci business cards3Clínica Da Vinci staioneryClinica Da Vinci Health Clinic Business CardClínica Da Vinci stationery2Clínica Da VinciClínica Da Vinci brochureClínica Da Vinci uniforms

Designed by Nici Ponce

For Clinica Da Vinci

Jennifer Wong
Jennifer Wong
Articles: 1516

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