Beginnings Birth Clinic Business Card

Beginnings Birth Clinic Business Card

Alen “Type08” Pavlovic designed these business cards for Beginnings, a pregnancy and birth clinic in New Zealand.

“The client hired me to design their new logo and business cards,” Alen said.

“We started off with the logo first and my core idea was to truly show the ‘beginning‘, as their brand name suggests, of a child birth.”

“Every child on the planet, when it’s born, is first being wrapped up in a nice cozy blanket preparing them for their first encounter with parents.”

“It’s their first moment in life and most precious one, a moment that parents will/can never forget.”

“So, that’s what their logo symbol is showing plus a hint of a stylized letter ‘B’ – representing terms such as beginning, birth, baby and so on.”

“We have further applied their focus on birth and babies to their business cards – you won’t see much of a ‘graphic chaos’ there, it’s just a born baby in the focus on the front with the color set supporting the idea of having some sort of a unisex solution – by looking at it you can’t quite tell if it’s a boy or a girl.”

Although not involved in the card-printing process, Alen did have some printing suggestions for his client.

“I suggested the client to go with a double layer thick card, having one side in their corporate tone of violet and the other one in beige.”

“In that case we would emboss/letterpress the symbol without having that visible on the other side.”

This is a beautiful business card design that stands out without being too predictable and generic (for instance, replacing the usual white colour with beige); a simple yet well-thought-out logo is an added bonus for that long lasting impression!


Feel free to visit our Business Card Categories section to find more business card designs. 

Designed by Alen “Type08” Pavlovic

For Beginnings, New Zealand

Jennifer Wong
Jennifer Wong
Articles: 1521

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