Bar Batoo business card

Bar Batoo Restaurant Business Card

Sien Lauwers designed these business cards for Bar Batoo, a restaurant in Bocholt, Limburg.

The name, Bar Batoo, was inspired by ‘Bateau’, which means ‘boat’ in French. The restaurant is located near the canal, so Sien used this as an inspiration source.

“The logo is inspired by a sailor knot. For the brand identity, I used rusty colours, copper, stamps and waves as inspirations,” Sien said.

Bar Batoo has a trendy interior and Sien designed the visual identity in accordance with it.

“The chosen typography has a vintage vibe but used only subtle so the branding feels modern.”

These business cards were printed on Muskat New Brown 290g paper with copper hot foil by Chapo, a printing company in Belgium.

BarBatoo_2Bar Batoo business cardsBarBatoo menuBarBatoo_4

Designed by Sien Lauwers

Printed by Chapo

For Bar Batoo

Jennifer Wong
Jennifer Wong
Articles: 1516

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