Backcountry fitness business card

Backcountry Fitness Business Card

Alex Benson designed these business cards for Backcountry, a fitness company.

“Based on the demographic, we went for something that was bold but not over designed. The logo I was provided with was great so I just pulled from the bold font,” Alex said.

Apart from the catchy logo, it’s a remarkable design with good use of strong colours to bring out the energy, seriousness and strength from a fitness brand identity.

These business cards have not been printed yet, but Alex and his client do have an idea on how the cards may look like.

“They are a fitness company, so we are considering using thick business cards to add to the message that they are strong and know what they’re doing,” Alex said.

Designed by Alex Benson

For Backcountry

Jennifer Wong
Jennifer Wong
Articles: 1516

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