Antoniê Store business cards

Antoniê Fashion Business Card

Camila Faller designed these business cards for Antoniê Store, a women’s clothing store that aims to seek the feminine authenticity of all women.

“The store’s main value is the preservation of female authenticity. The symbol represents the union of elements, by joining the four-leaf clover. The clover is applied at different angles, forming a new concept and the idea of ​​a flower,” Camila said.

Antoniê Store logo constructionAntoniê Store_logo
The brand name, Antonie, was created based on the owner’s children’s names. Thus, through the representation of the four-leaf clover that are joined at different angles, the union was expressed.

“In general, the four-leaf clover carries the values ​​of love, luck, hope and new beginnings. These are the values ​​that Antoniê Store seeks to bring with it.”

Antoniê Store logo
The typography chosen for the visual identity is Caramella Bold, which represents femininity. As for the colour palette (green and pink), it represents nature, feminine beauty and delicacy.

These business cards were printed by Printi, an online printing company in Brazil.

“The paper texture chosen for the business card was grainy,” Camila said.

Antoniê Store business cardsAntoniê Store stationeryAntoniê Store pillowsAntoniê Store webAntoniê Store bagAntoniê Store pinsAntoniê Store logo2Antoniê Store digital media Antoniê Store phone cover

Designed by Camila Faller

Printed by Printi

For Antoniê Store

Jennifer Wong
Jennifer Wong
Articles: 1521

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