Anandé Wellness Market business card

Anandé Wellness Market Business Card

Nici Ponce designed these business cards for Anandé, a wellness market brand that promotes a healthy lifestyle and conscious consumption habits to build a community of well-being through high-quality products.

The vertical layout of the business card accommodates the graphic elements beautifully, along with the contact details on the front.

The overall business card design is clean and exudes a natural, feminine vibe, thanks to the floral element in the logo.


Brand image and Logo Design

According to Nici, the brand name, Anandé, comes from the word “Anandá,” which means supreme happiness.

“Our mission for the brand is to motivate customers to maintain a happy and balanced lifestyle while maintaining self-care and environmental care habits for a healthy and sustainable community.”

“We wanted to project these values in the brand identity: generosity, compassion and empathy.”

“This is because Anandé is a space that supports and guides its customers to find their inner happiness while taking care of others and their surroundings.”

The logo features a lily, which symbolizes feminine, love, comfort, care, purity, and kindness.

Nici pointed out that all of these are important values for the brand which describes Anande’s personality and mission.

“The isotype is surrounded by circles which symbolizes seeds to communicate growth and a circular process.”

Anandé Wellness logo variations


Typography and Colour Palette

The typeface used for the logotype is Zenzero Grotesk Sans, a stylish and eccentric display font.

“I chose an organic typography to create a fun and friendly brand while maintaining its elegance,” Nici said.

The main colours used in the business card design are blue and yellow.

Explaining the inspiration behind them, Nici remarked, “Blue generates a sense of well-being and confidence towards the brand.”

“As for yellow, it represents creativity, energy and movement that motivates its clients to venture on the path of self-knowledge.”

These business cards were digitally printed.


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Designed by Nici Ponce

For Anandé

Jennifer Wong
Jennifer Wong
Articles: 1516