Alma Shania Business Cards2

Alma Shania Graphic Designer Business Card

Alma Shania designed these business cards for her personal branding as a visual communication designer based in Indonesia.

As a visual designer, it is essential for Alma to have a business card to promote herself and her brand. Therefore, along with her name and title, she added a personal logo and contact information.

Colour Palette & Typography

Alma’s visual identity reflects who she is as a person and her design style.

“I’m a girly girl who loves the colour pink. That’s why my business card (and other stationeries) are dominated by the colour pink,” Alma explained.

“I love using fun fonts and illustrations to give a personality to my designs. I chose the font ‘Genty’ in my logo to show that I’m a bubbly person.”

Alma Shania Business Card

Logo & Illustration

Alma’s business card design is lively with an adorable illustration and stylish logotype. Alma’s design inspirations came from exploring different styles of design and she kept every detail in mind.

“The idea behind my logo is: just like a queen. I have so much respect for myself, therefore I want to be well respected by others too.”

Alma Shania logo constructionAlma Shania Business Card-back

“On top of my head is my name in the shape of a crown. Even though I’m cheerful and have a bright personality, unfortunately my face doesn’t really show it since I have a RBF (resting b*tch face), just like the facial expression shown in the illustration of myself.”

Alma hasn’t printed her business cards yet. Even so, she does have an idea how they would turn out, “The cards would look luxurious, such as printed on thick cardstock with embossed gloss on my name and logo.”

Alma Shania Business CardsAlma Shania Business Card2Alma Shania StationeryAlma Shania bag

Designed by Alma Shania

For Alma Shania personal branding

Jennifer Wong
Jennifer Wong
Articles: 1521

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