Aaron Coltman Graphic Designer Business Card

Aaron Coltman designed these business cards for his personal branding as a graphic designer based in UK. Aaron is specializing in creating stimulating and communicative visual identities, editorial content, marketing material and innovative creative solutions for clients with business and design problems.

“The design process has been a development over the past 3 years, whilst I have been developing my personal brand. Through months of logo and visual identity design and countless test prints and mock ups I came to this finalized design,” Aaron said.

Coltman Business Card

Aaron’s card is minimalist to its finest – emphasizing the ‘Coltman Design’ typeface while keeping other info clear and simple. The two semi circles which symbolize his brand initials – C & D – were used as an icon across platforms. Complementing the rest of the design are the orange and green colour choices for two different versions of the name card.

Speaking of card-printing, Aaron said, “These cards were printed on GF Smith Colorplan paper stock, Citrine and Marrs Green, duplex 350gsm. Big thanks to Rob and the team at Digital Wordcrafts Ltd in Leicester who got 200 cards printed overnight!”

Aaron Coltman business cards

Designed by Aaron Coltman at Coltman Design

Printed by Digital Wordcrafts Ltd

For Aaron Coltman personal branding

Jennifer Wong
Jennifer Wong
Articles: 1516

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