Unlock Dancing Plaza business card

Unlock Dancing Plaza Business Card

ALAND designed these business cards for Unlock Dancing Plaza, a promising contemporary dance company based in Hong Kong.

“Unlock Dancing Plaza is committed to pursuing innovative breakthrough and theatrical liberation. The company focuses in reflecting dance on the basis of individual. Through defining dance in the uniqueness of a body and being free from the institutionalized aesthetics of dance, they deeply believes, ‘Everyone can dance’,” said Alan Wong, the Design Director of ALAND.

Unlock Dancing Plaza sign
Speaking of the visual identity’s unique approach, Alan continued, “To unlock, we must break through the boundaries and become the brand identity. That is why we broke every letters from the logotype which is sealed.”

What Alan meant was, they unsealed the letters O, D, A and P by leaving a gap, in order to express the idea of ‘Unlock’. This includes the Chinese characters for the brand name as well. Cool idea!

Unlock Dancing Plaza logo
“The business card design and the booklet cover share the same concept but different executions. We have the most important contents in the negative space instead of focusing the orange boundaries.”

“That is how we ‘Unlock’ it by breaking through the mindset,” Alan added.

These business cards were printed by applying silkscreen-printing to the orange part while hot stamping gloss black on the logo.

Unlock Dancing Plaza business card2Unlock Dancing Plaza business cardsUnlock Dancing Plaza cover
Unlock Dancing Plaza booklet

Designed by ALAND

For Unlock Dancing Plaza

Jennifer Wong
Jennifer Wong
Articles: 1516

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