
Leopardo Leopardi Imperfect Concept Store Business Card

Leoparo leopardi store business card

COURE designed these business cards for Leopardo Leopardi, an imperfect concept store in Barcelona. The business card design is bold and unique, with quirky typography and authenticity written all over the card. “Our client, Carla, wanted to convey that at…

PAGU Animation Studio Business Card

PAGU Studio business card

Design Studio B.O.B. designed these business cards for PAGU, a UK-based animation and illustration studio run by Emma Walker and Rob Smith. PAGU Studio approached B.O.B. for the branding project, including creating the logo, icon set, business card and stationery…

Kimmo Äijälä Digital Consultant Business Card

Kimmo sticker business card

A sticker AND a business card? Now we don’t get to see that very often. Kimmo Äijälä designed these special business cards for his own design company, Kimmo Äijälä Design, a consulting service for digital services in Oulu, Finland. “Sorry…