king/tiara/fortress symbols

Kaštil Slanica Restaurant Business Card

Kastil Slanica restaurant business cards

Design Bureau Izvorka Juric designed these business cards for Kaštil Slanica, a family-owned restaurant that serves local specialties prepared in a superior way for guests to enjoy in the heart of the Cetina River canyon. The restaurant’s business card design…

Whoa! Mama Meal Provider Service Business Card

Whoa! Mama business card

Visual Inconsideration (VI) designed these business cards for Whoa! Mama, a meal provider service that delivers fresh, nutritious and delicious confinement meals to your doorstep. “We wanted to create a brand that stands out visually in the market. Therefore, we…

Luccari Specialty Coffee Business Card

David Espinosa designed these business cards for Luccari Specialty Coffee, a company founded in 2018 which offers high quality coffee beans, freshly roasted to order. Incorporating their motto ‘the best of the best coffee’, Luccari Coffee takes into account the…

Experience Croatia Travel Business Card

Experience Croatia Travel Business Card

Mariano Lampacrescia designed these business cards for Experience Croatia, an Australian travel business. “Experience Croatia is owned by a family born and raised in Croatia,” Mariano said. “They specialize in tours, luxury cruises and sailing around Croatia itself and other…