Holographic Business Cards

Featuring business cards that use the holographic foil stamping method in print and holographic edges for that maximum impact. Check out these holographic business cards!

Cosmic Interactive Virtual Reality Business Card

cosmic interactive virtual reality business cards

Borne designed these business cards for Cosmic Interactive, a company that specializes in building room scale virtual reality experiences in Sydney, Australia. “Cosmic Interactive creates out of this world virtual reality experiences,” said Jayden Osborne, the Art Director of Borne.…

GÄ-DES Fashion Business Card

GÄ-DES Fashion Business Cards

Alessia Sistori at Design Studio B.O.B. designed these business cards for GÄ-DES, a company that sells fashion to strong, independent and sophisticated women from all over the world. “GÄ-DES transmits strength and self-confidence, but at the same time is feminine…

Jade Rennie Graphic Designer Business Card

jade rennie graphic designer business card

Jade Rennie designed these business cards for her boutique design agency, The Brain Child, assisting businesses in graphic, web design and social marketing. “As this was a personal card for my own business I was allowed to finally try out…

Dust Identity Business Card

Assembly Co. designed these business cards for Dust Identity, a company that’s working on technology that can link physical objects to secure digital records. The brand name, DUST, is an abrevation for “Diamond Unclonable Secure Tag”. The company is using…

NEO•ONE Business Card

Neo One business cards

Jon Stapp designed these stunning business cards for NEO•ONE, an open source software development kit (SDK) for developers working on the NEO cryptocurrency blockchain.   The Inspiration behind the Name & Design Inspired by the movie The Matrix and its…

Sauvage.tv Creative Production Business Card

sauvagetv business card_1

Mubien Studio designed and printed these business cards for Sauvage.tv, a creative production and animation studio in Barcelona, Spain. The business card design was electrifying and super catchy! Mubien Studio cleverly applied black and red color combination to send the…

Sarahid López Makeup Artist Business Card

Sarahid López makeup artist business card

Andrea Macías designed these business cards for a makeup artist named Sarahid López. A custom handwritten typography and beautiful holographic paper is the key ingredients for Sarahid López’s business card. When you are a makeup artist and loves glitter, unicorn…