Circular/Circle Element Business Cards

Featuring business cards with circle shapes, symbols or circular patterns to stand out. Check out these creative circle-element business card designs.

Saarinen Artist Representative Business Card

Saarinen artist representative business cards

Eric Kass designed these business cards for Saarinen, an art representative for directors, animators, designers and composers based in Hollywood, California. Owned by Toni Saarinen, the ex-daughter-in-law of architect/designer Eero Saarinen, the design concept was based on the hummingbird’s fluttering…

Olive Juice Wedding Photography Business Card

olive photography studio business card

Katie Kirk & Nathan Strandberg (from Eight Hour Day Studio) designed these business cards for Olive Juice Studios, a wedding and portrait photography studio. Kelly and Scott of Olive Juice Studios wanted their new identity to feel sophisticated, yet have…