Editorial Team

Editorial Team

Photographer Business Card

Designed to look like an SLR camera, this 0.5 mm black metal business card is the perfect way for any photographer to leave a memorable impression. The cut through, black printing, etching, and laser engraving are all components that make…

Wind Life Business Card

A vibrant turquoise background implies creativity and good health. And since the color is often used to represent moving air, it’s the perfect choice for Wind Life. Custom die-cuts are strategically placed around angular black shapes; the black areas even…

Chuttersnap Business Card

What business card design would best suit a photographer? A quick search on the internet for ‘creative business cards’ would yield the following interesting cards: A ’Cheese grater’ card for the cheese shop owner, cute rollable ‘Yoga mat’ cards for…

Source Business Card

When designing a business card for a restaurant it’s important to make a card that have all the information needed and a design that makes people want to keep the card. The designer, Tom Lane got the task to design a card for…

Resistenza Business Card

A classic and clean design from the small design company named Resistenza in Spain. We got the opportunity to talk with them about the cards and here is what they said, “Printing and paper is the key. Once again we…

Llama Business Card

One thing that always gives respect, is when things are handmade. This business card is all hand drawn, from the text to the llama by Shyama Golden. After that it’s printed using letterpress which gives it a fantastic design. The…