matt paper/matte paper

Pulis Vegan Food Business Card

Pulis vegan business cards

Lorena Brunstein designed these business cards for Pulis, a family business that sells veggies, homemade and frozen food based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Pulis offers vegan and gluten-free versions of their products so that more people have easy access to…

Contrenela IT Consulting Business Card

Contrenela IT company business cards

Khushleen Kaur designed these business cards for Contrenela, an IT and business process consulting company that provides best-in-class technological solutions to clients of all sizes and sectors. With the help of tech-enabled solutions from Contrenela, businesses can do more and…

NaLua Stationery Business Card

NaLua stationery business cards

Arthur Sena designed these business cards for Nalua, a creative stationery company that offers uniquely designed planners and notebooks. Nalua, which means “On the Moon”, has been in the stationery line for 6 years. Its core values are art, organization,…

Over Bar Resto Business Card

Over Bar & Resto business cards

Morla Eudora designed these business cards for Over, a bar that revolves around people’s stories and struggles in their workplace. After a long day’s work, many people gather in bars and restaurants to socialise, relax, and unwind. For that, the…

Rooted MKE BIPOC Children’s Bookstore Business Card

Rooted MKE business card

Sydney Michuda designed these business cards for Rooted MKE, a BIPOC children’s bookstore, makerspace*, and academic support centre. (*A Makerspace is a collaborative work environment within a public or private facility where people can learn, share, and explore together. It’s…

Jess’pot Pottery Workshop Business Card

Jesspot business card

Katrina Sutulova designed these business cards for Jess’pot, a pottery workshop. Jess’pot is constantly looking for new techniques to work with ceramics. The modern approach can be seen in ceramic products of different shapes and sizes, as well as by…

Ephema Dance Institution Business Card

Ephema business cards

Camilla Grønbeck Green and Anne Kathrine Nørregaard designed these business cards as part of a new visual identity for Ephema, a Danish choreography and dance institution based in Copenhagen, Denmark. “This project was a part of a study course at…

OYDIN Skincare Business Card

OYDIN_business card

Labels Studio designed these business cards for OYDIN, a natural skincare brand. “We envisioned OYDIN’s visual brand identity to be clean, minimal and elegant, which would be applied to a variety of the studio’s collateral,” said Yaz ten Klooster, the founder of…

Aleluia Bier (Beer) Factory Business Card

Aleluia Bier business cards

Beto Nunes designed these business cards for Aleluia Bier, a craft beer factory that aims to create an atmosphere of celebration around its products. “Everyone has a reason to celebrate. Find yours. Celebrate with Hallelujah.” This is the motto of…

Horeca Talents Recruitment Agency Business Card

Horeca Talents business cards

Pixies Studio designed these business cards for Horeca Talents, a restaurant recruitment agency. Horeca Talents aims to help clients meet the challenges of business development and growth with qualified recruitment services. According to the Sasha Solonina, the Project Manager of…

Smäk Food & Drink Agency Business Card

Smäk business cards

Smäk designed these business cards for their corporate branding as a visual communication agency specializing in food, gastronomy, hotels and lifestyle. Besides branding, Smäk services include packaging design, print and web communication. To set them apart from their competitors, Smäk…

Schonschön Graphic Designer Business Card

Schonschön business card

Sabine Steinacher designed these business cards as part of her branding project as a graphic designer based in Vienna, Austria. Sabine’s design studio is named Schonschön, which means ‘nice and pretty’ in German. Sabine’s business cards are designed to reflect…

Fabriclore Handcrafted Fabrics Business Card

Fabriclore business card

Mechi Co. Design designed these business cards for Fabriclore, an e-commerce platform that sells handcrafted and sustainable fabrics. The brand name, ‘Fabric’ and ‘Lore’, means traditional knowledge of fabrics. Fabriclore is constantly inspires and collaborates with contemporary designers to create…

Nanay’s Burger Restaurant Business Card

Nanay's business cards

Luiz Matera designed these business cards for Nanay’s, a burger restaurant based in Goiás, Brazil. According to Luiz, the menu at Nanay’s includes a wide variety of delicious burgers, as well as a wide variety of beverages. “There is a…

YJ Music DJ Business Card

YJ business cards

Andre Forbeck designed these business cards for YJ, an electronic dance music DJ based in St. Louis, USA. According to Andre, his client has just started his DJ career and would like to promote his brand so people know about…